Y4 Timestables Check

Multiplication Tables Check (MTC)

The Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) was officially announced by the Department for Education (DfE) in September 2017. It will be administered for children in Year 4 in June. The purpose of this check is to determine whether your child can fluently recall their times tables up to 12.

In 2019, Eccleston Mere’s Y4 children took part in a pilot for the Multiplication Tables Check. This check involved all Y4 children taking a five-minute, online quiz to assess their confidence in recalling and using these times tables. The children responded really positively to the check and reported that they enjoyed using iPads / laptops to participate.

What is the Multiplication Tables Check?
It is an on-screen check consisting of 25 times table questions. Your child will be able to answer 3 practice questions before taking the actual check. They will then have 6 seconds to answer each question. On average, the check should take no longer than 5 minutes to complete. The following YouTube link provides a little more insight.

When is the check?
The check will take place in June. It will be completed in small groups using a familiar device chosen by the child such as an iPad or a laptop.

How will the results be used?
School will have access to all their pupils’ results, allowing those pupils who need additional support to be identified. School will report the results to parents or carers in their school report.

What can you do to help?
Please regularly quiz your children on times table recall. Crucially, we ask that you encourage your Y4 child to use their online TTRockstars account as regularly as possible – it has an excellent track record for improving times table recall and is great fun! Children can earn coins and create an online Rockstar avatar by battling one another and taking part in arena tours! Please speak to you child’s class teacher if you need an additional copy of your child’s login details.

One of the excellent features of TTRockstars is the ‘Sound Check’. This is an online game set up in the same way as the MTC in June. Practising via ‘Sound Check’ will help children to prepare for the MTC.

Equally, MathsFrame and Timestables have also created an online check that is very similar to the MTC.

Are there any access arrangements?
Class teachers will use the ‘try it out area’ in preparation for the Multiplication Tables Check, ensuring that any appropriate access arrangements are implemented for pupils with: an EHCP; SEND support; EAL or children with learning, behavioural, emotional or social difficulties. Access arrangements may include: a colour contrast, change in font size, a ‘pause the next question’ button, removal of the on-screen number pad, input assistance, or an audio version. Pupils will not be given extra time to answer each question as this removes the fluent recall element of the check.

Where can I find out further information?
The School Run is a fantastic website which explains the Multiplication Tables Check in detail and provides supportive resources.
Further guidance about the Multiplication Tables Check can also be found on the gov.uk website. 
Please also access the parent guide below.

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Saleswood Avenue,
St Helens,
WA10 5NX

Headteacher | Mr Ryan Mugan

Deputy Headteacher | Mrs Sarah Cain








01744 734829

General Enquiries | Emma Barrow


SENCo | Amanda Noblett
