Vision, Mission & Values
Our School Vision
We believe that every child should enjoy a challenging, exciting and motivating education, within a friendly and safe environment. We value all within our kind and caring school community and are committed to delivering a culturally rich, experience led curriculum. Children are encouraged to become resilient, independent citizens, who demonstrate our core values.
All children will be given the opportunity to achieve and excel, academically, socially, spiritually and morally. We believe in effective partnerships with families and the wider community, to ensure that Eccleston Mere is a true centre of learning and support in our locality.
Our Curriculum Vision
At Eccleston Mere Primary School, we recognise that social, moral, spiritual, and cultural development is central to the education of all pupils and as such, permeates the whole curriculum and ethos of the school.
Our broad and challenging curriculum is designed to enable children to develop interpersonal skills and become resilient learners who think creatively and critically.
Provision is bespoke to our pupils and evolves according to the ever- changing local, national and global landscape. The aim of our curriculum is to develop pupils, who are well-equipped to take their place in society, as citizens of the future.
Our Mission
At Eccleston Mere, we-
• Cultivate a safe, happy and caring environment for all.
• Deliver memorable learning experiences that are meaningful and engaging.
• Develop independence, resilience and confidence within our pupils.
• Deliver a broad, balanced and carefully designed curriculum.
• Enable children to be creative, embrace challenge, and think differently.
• Prepare our pupils as citizens, by promoting our school values and through the effective delivery of social, moral, spiritual and cultural experiences.