Welcome to the Governors section of the school website. At Eccleston Mere, the Governing Body works in partnership with our Head Teacher, staff, parents and the Local Authority towards the continuing improvement in standards and achievements at our school.
Function, Roles and Responsibilities
Our Governing Body acts as a 'critical friend'. The main functions of the Governing Body are to:
Set the strategic direction of the school
Review progress against the school's budget and objectives
Appoint, challenge and support senior leaders within school
Approve the school budget and ensure finances are spent appropriately
As a body we meet at least six times per year. Our meetings are held each half term and during these times, we oversee (amongst other areas) the school’s finance and personnel, admissions, buildings, health and safety, curriculum and standards, policies and extended school provision. Governors also visit school regularly, meeting staff and pupils to help us find out how school is progressing. These school visits are really important and help governors to experience our school.
Governors also receive training to keep up to date with changes in education and guidance.
Associate Members
Currently, the Deputy Headteacher, Mrs Sarah Cain, is an associate member. All governors have voting rights with the exception of associate members.