Curriculum Intent
The curriculum at Eccleston Mere Primary encompasses all core and foundation subjects which enables us to deliver high quality teaching and experiences for all of our children
At Eccleston Mere Primary School, we recognise that social, moral, spiritual, and cultural development is central to the education of all pupils and as such, permeates the whole curriculum and ethos of the school. Our broad and challenging curriculum is designed to enable children to develop interpersonal skills and become resilient learners who think creatively and critically. Provision is bespoke to our pupils and evolves according to the ever- changing local, national and global landscape. The aim of our curriculum is to develop pupils, who are well-equipped to take their place in society, as citizens of the future.
We aim to:
- Promote a love of learning.
- Offer memorable learning experiences that are fun and engaging.
- Develop independence, resilience and confidence within our pupils.
- To tailor our curriculum to make use of our locality, taking pride in the achievements of St. Helens and the landscape that surrounds us.
- Enable children to be creative and think differently.
- Prepare citizens who are ready to take on the challenges of the 21st Century.
- Provide expert teaching, set upon a backdrop of our safe, secure learning environment.
Children with disabilities or SEN
At Eccleston Mere, we acknowledge the need for provision that is adapted for children with disabilities or Special Educational Needs. We aim to support children with additional educational needs within the classroom to promote inclusion. It is our intention to provide access for all pupils with additional educational needs to a broad, balanced and challenging curriculum. Adaptations to provision for effective learning may include:
- careful matching of work to ability - work may be highly differentiated at year group level or work from lower year groups may be tailored to ability.
- effective use of support from: teaching assistants, resource teachers, therapists and outside agencies.
- flexible grouping of pupils
- co-operative learning among pupils
- the implementation of a range of teaching strategies.
To allow children with additional needs or disabilities to be fully integrated within the school, we recognise that curriculum modification must be adjusted on an individual bases having considered rate of progress and pupil response. Our SEND page details further information about how our school complies with the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations.