Y4 History Anglo Saxons
Date: 11th Nov 2020 @ 2:31pm
Year 4 have been learning about the Anglo Saxons.
Today, we learnt about the main three tribes of the Anglo Saxons which were the Jutes, the Angles and the Saxons.r
Bitans invited the Anglo Saxons to battle the Pics and the Scots and in reward for fighting the Pics and Scots they we're gifted land. In Britain, there where 7 different Anglo-Saxon kingdoms that were called Northumbria, Mercia, East Anglia, Essex, Kent, Wessex and Sussex. After defeating the Pics and Scotts, the Britans told the Saxons to leave but the Anglo Saxons refused to leave and instead more Anglo Saxons settled in England. The Anglo Saxons and the British fought for approximately 150 years. Eventually, the Britans were forced to move to the west of England and into Wales as the Anglo-Saxons were powerful soldiers.